Virtualenv, Plone, and Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty

What a complicated situation it is trying to use all of the above-mentioned pieces of software together. In all seriousness, Virtualenv is now appearing to be the best thing since sliced bread for me to help out with making Plone/Zope usable under Jaunty.

By default, as everyone should know by now, a whole bunch of old Python 2.4 packages got removed from Jaunty, throwing us Plone developers into peril.  Well, those of us who hadn’t discovered the joys of virtualenv yet, that is.

Here’s how to convert an existing buildout folder over to Virtualenv without too much hassle:

sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.4 .
source ./bin/activate
easy_install ipython
easy_install --find-links Imaging
easy_install --find-links PILwoTK
easy_install python-ldap

And that should handle the issues of, in order of command: installing virtualenv, setting up our current folder, activating virtualenv, installing useful/necessary python packages, and reworking everything via buildout.

The instance of Plone/Zope can be started up with/without `activate` being `source`’d, as virtualenv has now got its own local python interpreter here.

Cheers to Athena Geek @ for the details to get me started.

EDIT: You might need to install some of the following packages to make all the imaging (and rest of Plone) be happy:

sudo apt-get install python2.4-dev libtk-img-dev libfreeimage-dev libjpeg62-dev libfreetype6-dev libtk-img-dev tcl8.5-dev tk8.5-dev lynx poppler-utils xpdf wv xlhtml ppthtml

EDIT2: If you get weird messages about “Undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_*” then you should probably wipe your virtualenv clean and go again. Essentially, dump your lib, include, and content of your eggs folder, and re-do your virtualenv. If pain persists, see your Google.

EDIT3: This also works on Karmic (9.10)! :)

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