
Plone and Dexterity: Working with computed fields

Today, we’re looking at how to utilise computed fields within a Dexterity-based content type. The specific use-case is that of having two separate fields (first name and surname, for a Person type, for example) generate the complete object title. The first part of this — having the title of the content displayed correctly — is pretty straight forward once you know what documentation to read and understand how things happen. The second part — having the ID of the content correctly generated to be first name/surname is slightly more complicated.

Title computation and display

Let’s look at the first part.  What we need is a custom content class, and this is documented in the Dexterity Developer Manual.  As per the documentation, you need to create a class and derive it off from either Item or Container, depending on what your content originally is.  Then, specify your new class as the ‘klass’ in your relevant type XML file in your GenericSetup profile.

Now, with an empty class definition, like in the manual page, you can start to add your computed fields. Your class might look something like this (don’t worry, I’ll explain):

class Person(Item):
"""Customised Person content class"""
    def title(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'first_names') and hasattr(self, 'surname'):
            return self.first_names + ' ' + self.surname
            return ''

    def setTitle(self, value):

So, we have our relevant function defined and decorated to be a property. I’ve found that in at least this specific use-case (setting the title from other fields), that this method is getting called before the object’s fields are instantiated. Hence the presence of the hasattr checks.

Now, having a setTitle function seems a bit odd yes? Especially so since it doesn’t do anything meaningful at all. Odds are that you probably won’t need this type of function unless you’re like me and needing to set the title specifically. The reason you need it for the title attribute is because you’ve got “def title(self)” as a function and your default DublinCore functionality (called by Dexterity @ plone.dexterity.content, line 221, in __init__) attempts to initialise the title, amongst other DC metadata. Interesting!

So, without a setTitle function, attempting to create a new instance of your content fails with a “AttributeError: can’t set attribute” error because DC (Module Products.CMFDefault.DublinCore, line 369, in setTitle) wants to set the title. Sorry, it can’t do this (we don’t want it to, and it physically can’t), so we override what would be the default setTitle function to do nothing at all.

Correct ID at creation time from computed title

Now, this one’s a little trickier. Unfortunately, there’s no documentation that I could find on the web about doing this, save a very short thread on Nabble. In that thread, Martin Aspeli provides some good pointers to this very use-case, but the example of INameFromTitle provides the title as a field, rather than a function (and isn’t specifically registered as an adapter).

After a bit of poking and prodding, here’s my solution:

from plone.app.content.interfaces import INameFromTitle
class INameFromPersonNames(INameFromTitle):
    def title():
        """Return a processed title"""

class NameFromPersonNames(object):

    def __init__(self, context):
        self.context = context

    def title(self):
        return self.context.first_names + ' ' + self.context.surname

So, we extend off from the default functionality, making sure that our title function is going to override the title field that’s in INameFromTitle by default. Then, we create our adapter and return the processed title (function decorated as a property). No need for hasattr checks here; the object is already initialised.

Then, register this in some ZCML, where the ‘for’ is the Dexterity interface class and the latter two attributes are the classes we just specified:

<adapter for="sample.project.person.ISamplePerson"

Then, the magic of inheritance takes over and the relevant code that would normally generate the ID off from the title field comes from the processed title. Tada!


Put all these things together with Dexterity and that’s it. I’m still in the process of doing this, but you should be able to apply the same processes to other fields. Just watch out for DublinCore initialisation. If you see that sort of error message about a setXXX function and attribute, then you’ll know what to do.

Note to self: the reason I didn’t use a behaviour here is because things like INameFromTitle give us a field (see source file). We don’t want this, but rather just programmatic generation of the title.

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