Plone: Archetypes With Paster


ZopeSkel can create Archetype-based products for Plone 3. Wire it up in Buildout.

After creating a Plone 3 instance (e.g., with Unified Installer) go into the src/ directory and create a development product with ZopeSkel:

> paster create -t archetype
Enter title (The title of the project) ['Plone Example']: Koansys Newproduct
Enter namespace_package (Namespace package (like plone)) ['plone']: koansys
Enter package (The package contained namespace package (like example)) ['example']: newproduct
Enter zope2product (Are you creating a Zope 2 Product?) [False]: True
Enter version (Version) ['0.1']:
Enter description (One-line description of the package) ['']:
Enter long_description (Multi-line description (in reST)) ['']:
Enter author (Author name) ['Plone Foundation']:
Enter author_email (Author email) ['<span class="mh-email">plon<a href="" onclick="'', '', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=500,height=300'); return false;" title="Reveal this e-mail address">...</a></span>']:
Enter keywords (Space-separated keywords/tags) ['']:
Enter url (URL of homepage) ['']:
Enter license_name (License name) ['GPL']:
Enter zip_safe (True/False: if the package can be distributed as a .zip file) [False]:

then go into that directory (koansys.newproduct) and add a content type:

> paster addcontent contenttype
Enter contenttype_name (Content type name ) ['Example Type']: Recipe
Enter contenttype_description (Content type description ) ['Description of the Example Type']: Recipe with ingredients, procedure, metadata
Enter folderish (True/False: Content type is Folderish ) [False]: True
Enter global_allow (True/False: Globally addable ) [True]:
Enter allow_discussion (True/False: Allow discussion ) [False]: True

Modify your buildout.cfg to use these as development eggs and tell each instance about it’s ZCML (otherwise it won’t show up in the Quick Installer):

eggs =
#name of the actual egg folder
develop =
#path to egg folder

recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
eggs =
zcml =
#name of the egg itself

Re-run buildout and restart your “instance” instance and you should see it in the Quick Installer.

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