Plone: Re-ordering Viewlets

Just responded to a post on the Plone Nabble forums (here) about how to re-order viewlets.  In particular, this one is little different (but not terribly so) because the original poster wanted to put the breadcrumbs above the global sections (global tabs in Plone).  Normally, this is straight forward because you just use a Generic Setup profile (viewlets.xml) and use an order manager to move your viewlet.  This, however, is a teeny bit more complicated because you’ve got one viewlet that’s outside of another viewlet manager.

Without further ado, my post from the forums:

Check out for a pretty useful idea of manipulating viewlets.

As it mentions there, you need a viewlets.xml in your theme product’s generic setup profile.  In this case, there’s a bit more complexity because the path_bar isn’t registered in the same order manager.  So, in your case, you’ll want something like this in your viewlets.xml (hides the old path bar, and inserts it now before the global sections [tabs]):

<hidden manager="plone.portaltop" skinname="My Theme">
    <viewlet name="plone.path_bar" />
<order manager="plone.portalheader" skinname="My Theme">
    <viewlet name="plone.path_bar" insert-before="plone.global_sections" />

and you’ll need to have something like this in a configure.zcml file (eg browser/configure.zcml) in order to get it into the PortalHeader manager:

<browser :viewlet

So, make these updates to your theme product, reinstall, and it should be good.

Also, depending on ordering and what else you have in your theme, you might just want to re-order plone.path_bar to the top of the plone.portaltop viewlet.  That’ll put it before the PortalHeader manager (as you can see in @@manage-viewlets).

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