
Disabling caching for sensitive web pages (aka how to prevent logged out users going ‘back’)

We all see web pages like Internet banking, HR systems, email, and more that allow you to log in, do something and load pages, log out, and then prevent you from using your browser’s history to see that sensitive information.  I’m amazed that in my searches I couldn’t quickly find a definitive source of information on how to achieve this.  Pages across the web in a search for ‘stop caching’ range from blog posts, to forum posts, to other pages, and people asking the question (try it: here, or maybe here).

Maybe I got unlucky, but finding a definitive answer to the questions of “how to prevent the use of the back button” or “how to stop browsers caching” etc wasn’t a piece of cake. Hence this post.

The answer isn’t concrete in itself either due to differing browser support, but the most useful information comes from RFC2616, the RFC for HTTP/1.1. In section 14.9.2, we learn about no-store. This cache directive should see a correctly-implemented browser not storing a request/response on disk (non-volatile storage) and deleting the info as quick as possible from RAM (volatile storage).

I’ve found that combining this, with an Expires header, and other Cache-Control directives, has worked across Firefox 4, Chrome 10, Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, and 9 to keep relevant pages entirely out of the cache. Here’s a snippet from some Python code:

response.setHeader('Expires', formatDateTime(getExpiration(0)))
response.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store, no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate, private')

You could likely use this in the <meta> tags in your page too.

This, by all means, isn’t a guaranteed solution as the RFC may not be followed by all browsers.  I’ve also noted that the RFC isn’t exactly clear with regards to a browser’s history this sort of thing.  Section 13.13 mentions that “a history mechanism is meant to show exactly what the user saw at the time when the resource was retrieved”, and using the RFC-specified no-store on a logged in page (or anything dynamic) would seemingly break this implication.

At any rate, seems like this implementation works successfully on the browsers I’ve tested. Apparently IE doesn’t like the no-store or no-cache settings in certain circumstances but it’s been fine for me thus far.

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