Posts tagged 'collective'

User IDs show as comment authors in Plone 4.x after migration from

If you’ve migrated your site from earlier versions of Plone to the latest ones in the 4.x series, or else have started using earlier than that, you might have come across a situation where comments on your site show user IDs as authors rather than a user’s full name. If you see this anywhere, chances are your comment’s migration didn’t go according to plan, and that the Creator information didn’t get recorded correctly on the comment.

I’ve just written this on the Collective developer docs: …

Plone/Zope, Python and collective.autoreload / plone.reload

Here’s an interesting error message I got stumped with for a good set of hours.  The issue started with me using collective.autoreload with Plone and it does the trick, mostly.  With any such ‘operation’ and live reloading of code for Python, you’ve got to expect that not everything will go according to plan.  Most things do, but one issue I found presented with this error message:

< ... huge traceback ...>
TypeError: super(type, obj): obj must be an instance or subtype of type

The issue arises for me (and you’ll probably see it elsewhere) when I go ahead …