Posts tagged 'Environment'

Project ‘Green’ House #2: LED replacement lighting for straight T5 tubes

In my previous post, I talked about replacing the various circular fluorescent tubes in my house over to LEDs. In this post, I’ll cover the replacement of short, straight T5 fluorescent tubes and discuss the interesting results I had in this space.

Before - T5 tube present After - LED board replacement

In my house, I have a total of just two of these T5 tubes, both positioned above the sinks in my respective bathrooms. They’re positioned inside a housing that essentially acts as recessed lighting, reflecting light from the tube out in all directions.

Replacement lights

  • 2 x 16W straight LED panels: Cost $10.00 US each …

Project ‘Green’ House #1: LED replacement lighting for circular fluorescent tubes

This is the first in a series of ways I’m looking to reduce my environmental impact at home, and save a significant amount of money at the same time. Over the course of my Project ‘Green’ House posts, I aim to look at extremely cost-effective ways of reducing your carbon footprint, improving your power bill, and generally making life easier at home. Feel free to adopt any of my ideas for your own uses - I’d love to hear if this has helped you.

This first post is about my aim to replace all the lights in my house …

Project ‘Green’ House #1: LED replacement lighting for round CFLs

This is the first in a series of ways I’m looking to reduce my environmental impact at home, and save a significant amount of money at the same time. Over the course of my Project ‘Green’ House posts, I aim to look at extremely cost-effective ways of reducing your carbon footprint, improving your power bill, and generally making life easier at home. Feel free to adopt any of my ideas for your own uses - I’d love to hear if this has helped you.

This first post is about my aim to replace all the lights in my house …