Posts tagged 'import'

ImportError: No module named BeautifulSoup

Had this issue when you’ve been trying to run something like Funnelweb, and you hit an ImportError for BeautifulSoup?  You’re definitely not alone, because I just hit the same issue.  The answer is simple — just ensure that you don’t use BeautifulSoup 4 or above (this is still beta) — it uses a different namespace, specifically bs4. Thus, whilst you might have the BeautifulSoup egg satisfying your dependencies, any imports of this package are going to fail.

For me, I’m using buildout, so I just pinned my version of BeautifulSoup thusly:

versions = versions

BeautifulSoup = 3.2 …

Migrating a Plone site off to another database (Zeo)

Another of the interesting things in my professional life has been migrating a Plone site from one database (where it lived as a dev site, along with many others) onto a nice, clean database of its own.  Now, yes, I’m aware that the export/import feature of Zope isn’t supposed to be used for migrating content or sites.  I am also aware, however, through personal experience, that things have always been fine because I’m using the same eggs and essentially the same installations everywhere, thanks to buildout.

So, the process goes as follows, with the above-mentioned points …