Posts in 'Work'

Plone: Archetypes With Paster


ZopeSkel can create Archetype-based products for Plone 3. Wire it up in Buildout.

After creating a Plone 3 instance (e.g., with Unified Installer) go into the src/ directory and create a development product with ZopeSkel:

> paster create -t archetype
Enter title (The title of the project) ['Plone Example']: Koansys Newproduct
Enter namespace_package (Namespace package (like plone)) ['plone']: koansys
Enter package (The package contained namespace package (like example)) ['example']: newproduct
Enter zope2product (Are you creating a Zope 2 Product?) [False]: True
Enter version (Version) ['0.1']:
Enter description (One-line description of the package …