Posts tagged 'forms'

Plone: Re-ordering Folder Contents

Ahhh, a new work week.

The first perplexing puzzle for the week was a seemingly silly idea (it still is) in Plone where it allows you to view the contents of a given folder in batches of 20. Now, combine this concept (which is good) with a concept of being able to re-order items within the folder (which is good too), you end up with not being able to move items between ‘batches’.

Troublesome. There’s nothing obvious that you can do aside from disabling your browser’s JavaScript and using the manual buttons. Nope: not feasible.

Try making your …

Plone: PloneFormGen Customisations

Another fun problem for me to address today: upgrading to the latest version of Plone (3.1.7 at time of writing) caused my custom PloneFormGen (otherwise known as PFG) view to break in a nasty way:

Module None, line 13, in fgvalidate_base
- <fscontrollervalidator at /site/fgvalidate_base used for /site/registration-form>
- Line 13
Module Products.PloneFormGen.content.form, line 519, in fgvalidate
Module plone.protect.authenticator, line 60, in check
Forbidden: Form authenticator is invalid.

Obviously there’s some new validation code for forms in Plone 3.1+. Thanks to a very simple (and useful!) blog entry: http://www.die-welt …