Posts tagged 'script'

PloneFormGen (Plone) & Google Calendar Integration

It’s a little bit of a different mash-up, but it’s still nonetheless useful to have, given types of booking forms and so forth that could utilise it.  The easiest way I found (to avoid security issues with Python scripts in Plone) was to create an external method and just import it within a PFG Custom Adapter.


  • My external method.  I’ve had to add this into a policy product I have.  The function should be generalised enough to work with any Google account, hosted or not.  In short:

    • It takes in a variety of arguments …

Buildout: Trying to create a Plone/Zope instance

Eeek…what’s this mean?

install() got an unexpected keyword argument 'allow_hosts'

after trying to build zope2zeoserver from my buildout configuration.

After some searching, I found that it was due to my script (the one the gets buildout in the first place and creates the relevant scripts) was actually pulling down an outdated version of zc.buildout. So, the problem results because this old version of buildout doesn’t have a clue how to handle the given argument.

Solution: update the buildout. For me, that meant correcting the bootstrap script, but for you, it could be a matter …

Plone: Ploneboard Conversation Editing

I’m back with even more Plone goodness. Turns out Ploneboard has a problem/issue (well, HAD an issue until I went and edited the code on the SVN repository for the Collective of Plone. Read: will not have in the next major release) with redirecting the user after they go and edit a post. So essentially the user ends up getting to a page that says ‘Insufficient privileges’, which is was extremely odd considering I do everything as an admin.

The fix goes a little something like this:

In ploneboard_scripts/comment_redirect_to_conversation change it to be:

# XXX if we ever …