Posts by 'davidjb' – Page 2

Notes about Redmine and GitHub Post-commit Hooks

We’re currently using Redmine for our project tracking and recently have wanted to have our GitHub projects automatically get updated within Redmine. A post-commit hook to the rescue!

  1. Download and install this super plugin: and restart your Redmine instance.

  2. Set up your local Git instance for your repository.  This is simple, but you need to follow these steps or else pulling your changes down won’t work:

    git clone --bare git://
    cd 123.git
    git remote add origin git://
  3. Configure your Redmine project’s …

User IDs show as comment authors in Plone 4.x after migration from

If you’ve migrated your site from earlier versions of Plone to the latest ones in the 4.x series, or else have started using earlier than that, you might have come across a situation where comments on your site show user IDs as authors rather than a user’s full name. If you see this anywhere, chances are your comment’s migration didn’t go according to plan, and that the Creator information didn’t get recorded correctly on the comment.

I’ve just written this on the Collective developer docs: …

Logitech G930 Headphones audio quality under Ubuntu

So I recently purchased a new set of Logitech G930 headphones and am currently using them with the latest version of Ubuntu, 11.10.  Set up was a breeze - just plug, check your PulseAudio config, and play.  For those of you, like me originally, who were wondering whether the G930 works on Linux, it certain does on Ubuntu.

Now, it wasn’t all peaches and cream because of two things.  Firstly, the audio output with the default configuration was completely lacking any depth and ‘substance’ to the sound being produced.  I’m not an audiophile and I have slight hearing …

RSS Feed for OCZ Vertex 3 SSD firmware updates

Here’s a quick and dirty solution to me not being able to keep updated with OCZ firmware updates for my Vertex 3 SSD.  For whatever reason, OCZ doesn’t provide a news feed of firmware updates (that I know of, correct me if I’m wrong!) so I’ve sorted a screen scraping Yahoo Pipes pipe to do it for me:

This RSS feed will (or should) only ever feature just 1 item - the latest version information for the firmware.  So, it won’t handle keeping track of …

Dell SK-8135 keyboard not working during boot (POST, BIOS, GRUB) on OptiPlex 990


Update: Since this was written, Dell has released version A10 of their OptiPlex 990 BIOS!  I’ve tested this on my 990 and my keyboard now works!

Just a quick note to anyone out there confused out of their mind if their Dell keyboard isn’t working with their computer during boot: there is some incompatibility between the OptiPlex 990 and the Dell SK-8135 keyboard.  I’m using the A06 BIOS, which is latest at the time of writing.

The result of this is that you cannot use the keyboard during boot, so not within POST, not to …

Epic-sized (Really Large) Files with Plone 4.1.2

In case you were ever curious, it’s definitely possible to upload epic-sized files within the Plone CMS. Browser support aside (Firefox and your 2 GB limits, I’m looking you), I’d previously had issues with being able to upload files larger than 4 GB, if memory serves correctly. Previously, there was an issue with files causing out-of-memory issues, and I’m fairly sure the errors I was getting were related to what was fixed by this change.

For today’s test, Google Chrome was able to upload a 26.3 GB (28212643840 bytes) .tar file into Plone on …

AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘items’: Can’t upgrade Plone 3 to 4.x

You may have seen an error like the one below when you’ve gone to upgrade your Plone site to something in the Plone 4.x series from Plone 3:

2011-09-14 08:43:32 ERROR Upgrade aborted. Error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/david/.buildout/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-4.1-py2.6.egg/Products/CMFPlone/", line 175, in upgrade
  File "/home/david/.buildout/eggs/Products.GenericSetup-1.6.3-py2.6.egg/Products/GenericSetup/", line 142, in doStep
  File "/home/david/.buildout/eggs/ …

SCP remote files back home using reverse SSH (in 1 command)

My recent work has involved copying files from a remote host, only accessible via a hop, back to my local computer. This has been simple in the past as the remote host has been able to connect to the local computer and SCP files directly, on account of the firewall allowing this. Recently, the firewall against the local computer has been reconfigured for security and direct connection is no longer possible. I could pass my files through a 3rd-party that both the remote and local machines can get to, but let’s say I don’t have one.

What you …

ImportError: No module named BeautifulSoup

Had this issue when you’ve been trying to run something like Funnelweb, and you hit an ImportError for BeautifulSoup?  You’re definitely not alone, because I just hit the same issue.  The answer is simple — just ensure that you don’t use BeautifulSoup 4 or above (this is still beta) — it uses a different namespace, specifically bs4. Thus, whilst you might have the BeautifulSoup egg satisfying your dependencies, any imports of this package are going to fail.

For me, I’m using buildout, so I just pinned my version of BeautifulSoup thusly:

versions = versions

BeautifulSoup = 3.2 …

Watch out: Python 2.4 ZEO client and Python 2.6 ZEO Server

Today was interesting when an issue with saving content on a Plone 3.3.5 site got reported to me. The system was producing undecipherable error messages about ZEO disconnections and database conflicts whenever someone would try and create some content within Plone (folders, particularly). Errors looked like:

Module ZEO.zrpc.connection, line 796, in wait. DisconnectedError" and "raise ReadConflictError().
ReadConflictError: database read conflict error"

and also:

ERROR ZEO.zrpc (2515) can't decode message: '(K\x11K\x01U\tserialnos(]((U\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00X\x...'

— essentially the issue described here. My ZEO server was running ZODB3 3.9.5 …